Theory LamYNom

theory LamYNom
imports Nominal2
section {* Nominal implementation in Isabelle *}
(*Disclaimer: Some of the definitions were copied over and adapted from 
Nominal2-Isabelle2015/Nominal/Nominal2/Ex/Lambda.thy *)

theory LamYNom
imports "Nominal2-Isabelle/Nominal/Nominal2" begin

subsection {* Definition of $\lamy$ terms *}

atom_decl name

nominal_datatype type = O | Arr type type ("_ → _")

nominal_datatype trm =
  Var name
| App trm trm
| Lam x::name l::trm  binds x in l ("Lam [_]. _" [100, 100] 100)
| Y type

subsection {* Definition of substitution *}

  subst :: "trm ⇒ name ⇒ trm ⇒ trm"  ("_ [_ ::= _]" [90, 90, 90] 90)
  "(Var x)[y ::= s] = (if x = y then s else (Var x))"
| "(App t1 t2)[y ::= s] = App (t1[y ::= s]) (t2[y ::= s])"
| "atom x ♯ (y, s) ⟹ (Lam [x]. t)[y ::= s] = Lam [x].(t[y ::= s])"
| "(Y t)[y ::= s] = Y t"
apply(simp add: eqvt_def subst_graph_aux_def)
apply(rule TrueI)
using [[simproc del: alpha_lst]]
apply(rule_tac y="a" and c="(aa, b)" in trm.strong_exhaust)
apply(simp_all add: fresh_star_def fresh_Pair_elim)
apply (erule_tac c="(ya,sa)" in Abs_lst1_fcb2)
apply(simp_all add: Abs_fresh_iff)
apply(simp add: fresh_star_def fresh_Pair)
apply(simp only: eqvt_at_def)
apply(simp add: fresh_star_Pair perm_supp_eq)
apply(simp only: eqvt_at_def)
apply(simp add: fresh_star_Pair perm_supp_eq)
nominal_termination (eqvt)
by lexicographic_order

lemma forget:
  shows "atom x ♯ t ⟹ t[x ::= s] = t"
by (nominal_induct t avoiding: x s rule: trm.strong_induct)
   (auto simp add: fresh_at_base)

lemma fresh_type:
  fixes n :: name and t :: type
  shows "atom n ♯ t"
by (nominal_induct t rule:type.strong_induct, auto)

lemma fresh_fact:
  fixes z::"name"
  assumes a: "atom z ♯ s"
      and b: "z = y ∨ atom z ♯ t"
  shows "atom z ♯ t[y ::= s]"
using a b
apply (nominal_induct t avoiding: z y s rule: trm.strong_induct)
by (auto simp add:fresh_type)

lemma substitution_lemma:  
  assumes a: "x ≠ y" "atom x ♯ u"
  shows "t[x ::= s][y ::= u] = t[y ::= u][x ::= s[y ::= u]]"
using a 
by (nominal_induct t avoiding: x y s u rule: trm.strong_induct)
   (auto simp add: fresh_fact forget)

subsection {*$\beta Y$-reduction*}

  beta_Y :: "trm ⇒ trm ⇒ bool" (" _ ⇒ _" [80,80] 80)
  red_L[intro]: "⟦ M ⇒ M' ⟧ ⟹ App M N ⇒ App M' N"
| red_R[intro]: "⟦ N ⇒ N' ⟧ ⟹ App M N ⇒ App M N'"
| abs[intro]: "⟦ M ⇒ M' ⟧ ⟹ Lam [x]. M ⇒ Lam [x]. M'"
| beta[intro]: "⟦ atom x ♯ N ⟧ ⟹ App (Lam [x]. M) N ⇒ M[x ::= N]"
(*| eta[intro]: "⟦ atom x ♯ M ⟧ ⟹ App (Lam [x]. M) (Var x) ⇒Y M"*)
| Y[intro]: "App (Y σ) M ⇒ App M (App (Y σ) M)"

equivariance beta_Y
nominal_inductive beta_Y
  avoids beta: "x" | abs: "x"
by (simp_all add: fresh_star_def fresh_Pair fresh_fact fresh_type)

subsection {* Parallel $\beta Y$-reduction *}

  pbeta :: "trm ⇒ trm ⇒ bool" ("_ ≫ _" [80,80] 80)
  refl[intro]: "(Var x) ≫ (Var x)"
| reflY[intro]: "Y σ ≫ Y σ"
| app[intro]: "⟦ M ≫ M' ; N ≫ N' ⟧ ⟹ App M N ≫ App M' N'"
| abs[intro]: "⟦ M ≫ M' ⟧ ⟹ Lam [x]. M ≫ Lam [x]. M'"
| beta[intro]: "⟦ atom x ♯ N ; atom x ♯ N' ; M ≫ M' ; N ≫ N' ⟧ ⟹ App (Lam [x]. M) N ≫ M'[x ::= N']"
| Y[intro]: "⟦ M ≫ M' ⟧ ⟹ App (Y σ) M ≫ App M' (App (Y σ) M')"
equivariance pbeta

nominal_inductive pbeta
 avoids beta: "x" | abs: "x"
by (simp_all add: fresh_star_def fresh_Pair fresh_fact fresh_type)

subsection {* Maximal parallel $\beta Y$-reduction *}

  not_abst :: "trm ⇒ bool"
  "not_abst (Var x) = True"
| "not_abst (App t1 t2) = True"
| "not_abst (Lam [x]. t) = False"
| "not_abst (Y t) = True"
apply (simp add: eqvt_def not_abst_graph_aux_def)
apply (rule TrueI)
apply (rule_tac y="x" in trm.exhaust)
using [[simproc del: alpha_lst]]
by auto
nominal_termination (eqvt) by lexicographic_order

  not_Y :: "trm ⇒ bool"
  "not_Y (Var x) = True"
| "not_Y (App t1 t2) = True"
| "not_Y (Lam [x]. t) = True"
| "not_Y (Y t) = False"
apply (simp add: eqvt_def not_Y_graph_aux_def)
apply (rule TrueI)
apply (rule_tac y="x" in trm.exhaust)
using [[simproc del: alpha_lst]]
by auto
nominal_termination (eqvt) by lexicographic_order

  pbeta_max :: "trm ⇒ trm ⇒ bool" ("_ >>> _" [80,80] 80)
  refl[intro]: "(Var x) >>> (Var x)"
| reflY[intro]: "Y σ >>> Y σ"
| app[intro]: "⟦ not_abst M ; not_Y M ;  M >>> M' ; N >>> N' ⟧ ⟹ App M N >>> App M' N'"
| abs[intro]: "⟦ M >>> M' ⟧ ⟹ Lam [x]. M >>> Lam [x]. M'"
| beta[intro]: "⟦ atom x ♯ N ; atom x ♯ N' ; M >>> M' ; N >>> N' ⟧ ⟹ App (Lam [x]. M) N >>> M'[x ::= N']"
| Y[intro]: "⟦ M >>> M' ⟧ ⟹ App (Y σ) M >>> App M' (App (Y σ) M')"
equivariance pbeta_max

nominal_inductive pbeta_max
  avoids beta: "x" | abs: "x" (*don't understand what this does exactly or why we need it in the abs case ...*)
by (simp_all add: fresh_star_def fresh_Pair fresh_fact fresh_type)

lemma not_Y_ex: "¬(not_Y M) ⟹ ∃σ. M = Y σ"
apply (cases M rule:not_Y.cases)
by auto

subsection {* \cref{Lemma:maxEx} *}

lemma pbeta_max_ex:
  fixes M
  shows "∃M'. M >>> M'"
apply (induct M rule:trm.induct)
apply auto
apply (case_tac "not_abst trm1")
apply (case_tac "not_Y trm1")
apply auto[1]
proof goal_cases
case (1 P Q P' Q')
  then obtain σ where 2: "P = Y σ" using not_Y_ex by auto
  have "App (Y σ) Q >>> App Q' (App (Y σ) Q')"
  apply (rule_tac pbeta_max.Y)
  by (rule 1(2))
  thus ?case unfolding 2 by auto
case (2 P Q P' Q')
  thus ?case
  apply (nominal_induct P P' avoiding: Q Q' rule:pbeta_max.strong_induct)
  by auto

subsection {* \cref{Lemma:maxClose} *}

lemma subst_rename: 
  assumes a: "atom y ♯ t"
  shows "t[x ::= s] = ((y ↔ x) ∙ t)[y ::= s]"
using a 
apply (nominal_induct t avoiding: x y s rule: trm.strong_induct)
apply (auto simp add: fresh_at_base)
by (simp add: flip_fresh_fresh fresh_type)

lemma fresh_in_pbeta: "s ≫ s' ⟹ atom (x::name) ♯ s ⟹  atom x ♯ s'"
apply (nominal_induct s s' rule:pbeta.strong_induct)
apply simp
apply simp
apply auto[1]
proof goal_cases
case 1 thus ?case by auto
case (2 xx N N' M M')
  then have "atom x ♯ N'" by simp
  { assume "x = xx" with 2 have ?case by (simp add: fresh_fact) }
  { assume "x ≠ xx" with 2 have ?case by (simp add: fresh_fact) }
  thus ?case using ‹x = xx ⟹ atom x ♯ M' [xx ::= N']› by blast
case 3 thus ?case by simp

lemma pbeta_lam_case_ex: "(Lam [x]. s) ≫ s' ⟹ ∃t. s' = Lam [x]. t ∧ s ≫ t"
proof (cases "(Lam [x]. s)" s' rule:pbeta.cases, simp)
  case (goal1 _ _ x')
    then have 1: "s ≫ ((x' ↔ x) ∙ M')" using pbeta.eqvt by (metis Abs1_eq_iff(3) Nominal2_Base.swap_self add_flip_cancel flip_commute flip_def permute_flip_cancel2 permute_plus)
    from goal1 have 2: "(x' ↔ x) ∙ s' = Lam [x]. ((x' ↔ x) ∙ M')" by simp
    from goal1 have "atom x ♯ (Lam [x']. M')"  using fresh_in_pbeta by (meson trm.fresh(3) list.set_intros(1))
    with 2 have "s' = Lam [x]. ((x' ↔ x) ∙ M')" unfolding goal1 by (metis "2" flip_fresh_fresh goal1(3) trm.fresh(3) list.set_intros(1))
    with 1 show ?case by auto

lemma pbeta_cases_2:
  shows "atom x ♯ t ⟹ App (Lam [x]. s) t ≫ a2 ⟹ 
    (⋀s' t'. a2 = App (Lam [x]. s') t' ⟹ atom x ♯ t' ⟹ s ≫ s' ⟹ t ≫ t' ⟹ P) ⟹
    (⋀t' s'. a2 = s' [x ::= t'] ⟹ atom x ♯ t ⟹ atom x ♯ t' ⟹ s ≫ s' ⟹ t ≫ t' ⟹ P) ⟹ P"
apply atomize_elim
proof (cases "App (Lam [x]. s) t" a2 rule:pbeta.cases, simp)
case goal1 
  then obtain s'' where 1: "M' = Lam [x]. s''" "s ≫ s''" using pbeta_lam_case_ex by blast
  thus ?case using goal1 fresh_in_pbeta  by auto
case (goal2 xx _ ss)
  have 1: "M' [xx ::= N'] = ((x ↔ xx) ∙ M') [x ::= N']"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Abs1_eq_iff(3) Nominal2_Base.swap_self add_flip_cancel flip_def fresh_in_pbeta goal2(3) goal2(7) permute_flip_cancel permute_plus subst_rename) 
  from goal2 have 2: "s ≫ ((x ↔ xx) ∙ M')"
    by (metis Abs1_eq_iff(3) Nominal2_Base.swap_self add_flip_cancel flip_def pbeta.eqvt permute_flip_cancel permute_plus)
  from goal2 have 3: "atom x ♯ N'" using fresh_in_pbeta by simp
  with goal2 1 2 show ?case by auto

lemma Lem2_5_1:
  assumes "s ≫ s'"
      and "t ≫ t'"
      shows "(s[x ::= t]) ≫ (s'[x ::= t'])"
using assms proof (nominal_induct s s' avoiding: x t t' rule:pbeta.strong_induct)
case (refl s)
  then show ?case by auto
case (reflY s)
  then show ?case by auto
case app
  show ?case 
  unfolding subst.simps
  apply (rule
  using app
  by simp+
case (abs p p' y) 
  show ?case 
  apply (subst subst.simps)
  using abs apply simp
  apply (subst subst.simps)
  using abs apply simp
  apply (rule_tac pbeta.abs)
  using abs by simp
case (beta y q q' p p')
  have "App ((Lam [y]. p) [x ::= t]) (q [x ::= t]) ≫ (p' [x ::= t'])[y ::= q'[x ::= t']]"
  apply (subst subst.simps(3))
  apply (rule_tac pbeta.beta)
  using beta by (simp add: fresh_fact)+

  then show ?case unfolding subst.simps
  apply (subst substitution_lemma) 
  using beta by (simp add: fresh_fact)+
case (Y M M' σ) 
  show ?case unfolding subst.simps
  apply (rule_tac pbeta.Y)
  using Y by simp

lemma pbeta_max_closes_pbeta:
  fixes a b d
  assumes "a >>> d"
  and "a ≫ b"
  shows "b ≫ d"
using assms proof (nominal_induct arbitrary: b rule:pbeta_max.strong_induct)
case (refl a)  
  show ?case using refl pbeta.cases by fastforce
case (reflY a) then have 1: "b = Y a" apply (cases rule: pbeta.cases) by simp
  show ?case unfolding 1 by auto
case (beta x Q Qmax P Pmax)
  from beta(1,7) show ?case
  apply (rule_tac pbeta_cases_2)
  apply (simp, simp)
  proof -
  case (goal2 Q' P')
    with beta have "P' ≫ Pmax" "Q' ≫ Qmax" by simp+
    thus ?case unfolding goal2 apply (rule_tac Lem2_5_1) by simp+
  case (goal1 P' Q')
    with beta have ih: "P' ≫ Pmax" "Q' ≫ Qmax" by simp+
    show ?case unfolding goal1 
    apply (rule_tac pbeta.beta) using goal1 beta ih
    by simp_all
case (app al ald ar ard) 
  from app(7,1,2) show ?case
  apply (cases "App al ar" b rule:pbeta.cases)
  using app apply auto[1]
  apply simp
  by simp
case (abs al ald x) thus ?case using pbeta_lam_case_ex by blast
case (Y M M' σ) 
  from Y(3) show ?case
  apply (cases rule:pbeta.cases)
  proof goal_cases
  case (1 M'' N'')
    from 1(2) have 2: "M'' = Y σ" by (cases rule:pbeta.cases, simp)
    show ?case unfolding 1 2
    apply (rule pbeta.Y)
    using 1 Y by simp
  case (2 M'') show ?case unfolding 2
    apply (rule
    using Y 2 apply simp
    apply (rule
    apply (rule pbeta.reflY)
    using Y 2 by simp

subsection {* Proof of $\dip(\gg)$ *}

lemma Lem2_5_2: 
  assumes "a ≫ b"
      and "a ≫ c"
    shows "∃d. b ≫ d ∧ c ≫ d"
proof -
  obtain d where 1: "a >>> d" using pbeta_max_ex by auto
  have "b ≫ d ∧ c ≫ d" 
  apply rule 
  apply (rule_tac pbeta_max_closes_pbeta)
  using 1 assms apply simp+
  apply (rule_tac pbeta_max_closes_pbeta)
  using 1 assms apply simp+
  thus ?thesis by auto

subsection {* Reflexive-transitive closure of $\beta Y$ *}

inductive close :: "(trm ⇒ trm ⇒ bool) ⇒ trm ⇒ trm ⇒ bool" ("_* _  _" [80,80] 80) for R::"trm ⇒ trm ⇒ bool"
  base[intro]: "R a b ⟹ R* a b"
| refl[intro]: "R* a a"
| trans[intro]: "⟦ R* a b ; R* b c ⟧ ⟹ R* a c"

subsection {* Proof of $\dip(\red^*)$ *}

definition DP :: "(trm ⇒ trm ⇒ bool) ⇒ (trm ⇒ trm ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool" where
"DP R T = (∀a b c. R a b ∧ T a c ⟶ (∃d. T b d ∧ R c d))"

lemma DP_R_R_imp_DP_R_Rc_pbeta:
  assumes "DP pbeta pbeta"
    shows "DP pbeta (close pbeta)"
using assms unfolding DP_def
apply auto
proof -
case goal1 
  from goal1(3,2) show ?case
  apply (induct arbitrary: b rule:close.induct)
  using goal1(1) by blast+

lemma DP_R_R_imp_DP_Rc_Rc_pbeta:
  assumes "DP pbeta pbeta"
    shows "DP (close pbeta) (close pbeta)"
using assms unfolding DP_def
apply auto
proof -
case goal1 
  from goal1(2,3) show ?case
  apply (induct arbitrary: c rule:close.induct)
  using DP_R_R_imp_DP_R_Rc_pbeta using DP_def assms apply fastforce
  apply auto
  by blast

lemma pbeta_refl[intro]: "s ≫ s"
apply (induct s rule:trm.induct)
by auto

lemma M1': "M ⇒ M' ⟹ M ≫ M'"
apply (induct M M' rule:beta_Y.induct)
by auto

lemma M1: "beta_Y* M M' ⟹ pbeta* M M'"
apply (induct M M' rule:close.induct)
apply auto
apply (rule base)
by (simp add: M1')

lemma red_r_close: "beta_Y* N N' ⟹ beta_Y* (App M N) (App M N')"
apply (induct rule:close.induct)
by auto

lemma red_l_close: "beta_Y* M M' ⟹ beta_Y* (App M N) (App M' N)"
apply (induct rule:close.induct)
by auto

lemma abs_close: "beta_Y* M M' ⟹ beta_Y* (Lam [x]. M) (Lam [x]. M')"
apply (induct rule:close.induct)
by auto

lemma M2: "pbeta* M M' ⟹ beta_Y* M M'"
proof (induct M M' rule:close.induct)
case refl show ?case by (rule close.refl)
case trans 
  show ?case apply (rule close.trans)
  using trans by simp+
case base thus ?case
  proof (induct rule:pbeta.induct)
  case refl show ?case by (rule close.refl)
  case reflY show ?case by (rule close.refl)
  case (app M M' N N') 
    show ?case
    apply (rule_tac b="App M N'" in close.trans)
    using red_r_close app.hyps(4) apply auto[1]
    using red_l_close app.hyps(2) by auto[1]
  case (abs M M' x)
    show ?case
    using abs abs_close by simp
  case (beta x N N' M M')
    show ?case
    apply (rule_tac b="App (Lam [x]. M') N" in close.trans)
    apply (rule red_l_close)
    apply (rule abs_close)
    using beta apply simp
    apply (rule_tac b="App (Lam [x]. M') N'" in close.trans)
    apply (rule red_r_close)
    using beta apply simp
    apply (rule close.base)
    apply (rule beta_Y.beta)
    using beta by simp
  case (Y M M' σ) 
    show ?case
    apply (rule_tac b="App M (App (Y σ) M)" in close.trans)
    apply (rule close.base)
    apply (rule beta_Y.Y)
    apply (rule_tac b="App M' (App (Y σ) M)" in close.trans)
    apply (rule red_l_close)
    using Y apply simp
    apply (rule red_r_close)
    apply (rule red_r_close)
    using Y by simp

subsection {* Simple-typing relation $\vdash$ *}

inductive wf_ctxt :: "(name × type) list ⇒ bool"
    nil:  "wf_ctxt []"
  | cons:  "⟦ wf_ctxt Γ ; atom x ♯ Γ ⟧ ⟹ wf_ctxt ((x,σ)#Γ)"
equivariance wf_ctxt

  wt_terms :: "(name × type) list ⇒ trm ⇒ type ⇒ bool" ("_ ⊢ _ : _")
  var: "⟦ (x,σ) ∈ set Γ ; wf_ctxt Γ ⟧ ⟹ Γ ⊢ Var x : σ"
| app: "⟦ Γ ⊢ M : σ → τ ; Γ ⊢ N : σ ⟧ ⟹ Γ ⊢ App M N : τ"
(* condition "atom x ♯ Γ" in abst should ensure that (x,σ) is consistent with Γ *)
| abs: "⟦ atom x ♯ Γ ; ((x,σ)#Γ) ⊢ M : τ ⟧ ⟹ Γ ⊢ Lam [x]. M : σ → τ"
| Y: "⟦ wf_ctxt Γ ⟧ ⟹  Γ ⊢ Y σ : (σ → σ) → σ"
equivariance wt_terms

nominal_inductive wt_terms
avoids abs: "x" 
by (simp_all add: fresh_star_def fresh_Pair fresh_fact fresh_type)

subsection {* Subject reduction theorem for $\red$ *}

lemma wf_ctxt_cons: "wf_ctxt ((x, σ)#Γ) ⟹ wf_ctxt Γ ∧ atom x ♯ Γ"
apply (cases rule:wf_ctxt.cases)
by auto

lemma wt_terms_impl_wf_ctxt: "Γ ⊢ M : σ ⟹ wf_ctxt Γ"
apply (induct rule:wt_terms.induct)
by (auto simp add: wf_ctxt_cons)

lemma weakening:
  fixes Γ Γ' M σ
  assumes "Γ ⊢ M : σ" and "set Γ ⊆ set Γ'"
  and "wf_ctxt Γ'"
  shows "Γ' ⊢ M : σ"
using assms proof (nominal_induct Γ M σ avoiding: Γ' rule:wt_terms.strong_induct)
case var 
  show ?case 
  apply (rule wt_terms.var) 
  using var by auto
case app
  show ?case
  apply (rule
  using app by auto
case (abs x Γ σ M τ)
  have 1: "wf_ctxt ((x, σ) # Γ')" 
  apply (rule cons)
  using abs by simp+

  show ?case
  apply (rule wt_terms.abs)
  using "1" wf_ctxt.cases apply auto[1]
  apply (rule abs(4))
  using abs apply auto[1]
  using 1 by simp
case Y thus ?case using wt_terms.Y by simp

lemma wf_ctxt_exchange: "wf_ctxt ((x,σ) # (y,π) # Γ) ⟹ wf_ctxt ((y,π) # (x,σ) # Γ)"
proof goal_cases
case 1 
  then have 1: "wf_ctxt ((y,π) # Γ)" "atom x ♯ ((y,π) # Γ)" by (simp add: wf_ctxt_cons)+
  from 1(1) have 2: "wf_ctxt Γ" "atom y ♯ Γ" by (simp add: wf_ctxt_cons)+
  from 1(2) have 3: "atom x ♯ Γ" using fresh_Cons by blast
  from 1(2) 2(2) have 4: "atom y ♯ ((x,σ) # Γ)" by (metis fresh_Cons fresh_Pair fresh_at_base(2) fresh_type)

  show ?case
  apply (rule cons)
  apply (rule cons)
  by (simp add: 2 3 4)+

lemma exchange: "(x,σ) # (y,π) # Γ ⊢ M : δ ⟹ (y,π) # (x,σ) # Γ ⊢ M : δ"
proof goal_cases
case 1
  have "set ((x,σ) # (y,π) # Γ) ⊆ set ((y,π) # (x,σ) # Γ)" by auto
  thus ?case using 1 weakening wt_terms_impl_wf_ctxt wf_ctxt_exchange by blast

lemma  wt_terms_cases_2:
  shows "Γ ⊢ Lam [x]. M : a3 ⟹ atom x ♯ Γ⟹ (⋀σ τ. a3 = σ → τ ⟹ ((x, σ)#Γ) ⊢ M : τ ⟹ P) ⟹ P"
apply atomize_elim
apply (cases Γ "Lam [x]. M" a3 rule:wt_terms.cases, simp)
proof goal_cases
case (1 x' σ M' τ) 
  then have 2: "M = (x' ↔ x) ∙ M'"
  by (metis Abs1_eq_iff'(3) Nominal2_Base.swap_self flip_commute flip_def permute_zero)
  from 1 have "((x' ↔ x) ∙ ((x', σ) # Γ)) ⊢ (x' ↔ x) ∙ M' : (x' ↔ x) ∙ τ"
  by (rule_tac wt_terms.eqvt)
  with 2 fresh_type have 3: "((x' ↔ x) ∙ ((x', σ) # Γ)) ⊢ M : τ" by (simp add: flip_fresh_fresh)

  have "(x' ↔ x) ∙ (x', σ) = (x, σ)" using fresh_type by (simp add: flip_fresh_fresh)
  then have "(x' ↔ x) ∙ ((x', σ) # Γ) = (x, σ) # ((x' ↔ x) ∙ Γ)" by simp

  with 3 have 4: "(x, σ) # ((x' ↔ x) ∙ Γ) ⊢ M : τ" by simp
  with 4 1 have "(x, σ) # Γ ⊢ M : τ" by (simp add: flip_fresh_fresh)
  with 1  show ?case by simp

lemma subst_typ_aux: "(x, τ) # Γ ⊢ Var y : σ ⟹ x = y ⟹ τ = σ"
proof (rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1 
  then have "wf_ctxt ((y, τ) # Γ)" by (simp add: wt_terms_impl_wf_ctxt)
  then have "atom y ♯ Γ" by (simp add: wf_ctxt_cons)
  then have "(y, σ) ∉ set Γ" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) fresh_Cons fresh_PairD(1) fresh_append fresh_at_base(2) split_list)
  with 1(3) have 2: "(y, σ) ∉ set ((y, τ) # Γ)" by simp
  from 1(1) have "(y, σ) ∈ set ((y, τ) # Γ)" apply (cases rule:wt_terms.cases) by auto
  with 2 show ?case by simp

lemma subst_typ:
  assumes "((x,τ)#Γ) ⊢ M : σ" and "Γ ⊢ N : τ"
  shows "Γ ⊢ M[x ::= N] : σ"
using assms proof (nominal_induct M avoiding: Γ x N arbitrary: σ rule: trm.strong_induct)
case (Var y)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "x = y")
  case True 
    show ?thesis 
    apply (simp add: True)
    using Var subst_typ_aux True by blast
  case False
    from Var have 1: "wf_ctxt Γ" using wt_terms_impl_wf_ctxt wf_ctxt_cons by auto
    from Var have "(y,σ) ∈ set ((x, τ) # Γ)" apply (cases rule:wt_terms.cases) by auto
    with False have 2: "(y,σ) ∈ set Γ" by simp

    show ?thesis
    apply (simp add: False)
    using Var
    apply (rule_tac wt_terms.var)
    using 1 2 by simp+
case (App M' N')
  from App(3) obtain π where  "(x, τ) # Γ ⊢ M' : π → σ" "(x, τ) # Γ ⊢ N' : π" 
    by (cases rule:wt_terms.cases, simp)
  with App(1,2,4) have ih: "Γ ⊢ M'[x ::= N] : π → σ" "Γ ⊢ N'[x ::= N] : π" by simp+
  show ?case
  unfolding subst.simps
  apply (rule
  using ih by simp+
case (Lam x' M)
  from Lam(5) obtain π δ where 1: "σ = π → δ" "(x, τ) # Γ ⊢ Lam [x']. M : π → δ" by (cases rule:wt_terms.cases, simp)
  from 1(2) have "(x', π) # (x, τ) # Γ ⊢ M : δ" apply (rule wt_terms_cases_2)
    using Lam(1,2) apply (simp add: fresh_Cons fresh_Pair fresh_type)
    by simp
  then have "(x, τ) # (x', π) # Γ ⊢ M : δ" by (rule exchange)

  with Lam(4,6) have ih: "(x', π) # Γ ⊢ M [x ::= N] : δ"
    by (meson Lam.hyps(1) cons set_subset_Cons weakening wt_terms_impl_wf_ctxt)

  show ?case apply (subst subst.simps)
  using Lam apply simp
  unfolding 1(1)
  apply (rule wt_terms.abs)
  using Lam apply simp
  using ih by simp
case (Y γ)
  from Y(1) have 1: "σ = (γ → γ) → γ" by (cases rule:wt_terms.cases, simp)
  show ?case unfolding subst.simps 1
  apply (rule wt_terms.Y)
  using Y wt_terms_impl_wf_ctxt wf_ctxt_cons by simp

lemma beta_Y_typ:
  assumes "Γ ⊢ M : σ"
  and "M ⇒ M'"
  shows "Γ ⊢ M' : σ"
using assms(2,1)
proof (nominal_induct  M M' avoiding: Γ arbitrary: σ rule: beta_Y.strong_induct)
case (red_L M M' N)
  from red_L(3) obtain τ where 1: "Γ ⊢ M : τ → σ" "Γ ⊢ N : τ"
    apply (cases rule:wt_terms.cases) by simp
  with red_L(2) have "Γ ⊢ M' : τ → σ" by simp
  thus ?case 
    apply (rule
    using 1 by simp
case (red_R N N' M)
  from red_R(3) obtain τ where 1: "Γ ⊢ M : τ → σ" "Γ ⊢ N : τ"
    apply (cases rule:wt_terms.cases) by simp
  with red_R(2) have 2: "Γ ⊢ N' : τ" by simp
  show ?case 
    apply (rule
    using 1 2 by simp+
case (abs M M' x)
  from abs(4) obtain π τ where 1: "σ = π → τ" "Γ ⊢ Lam [x]. M : π → τ"
    apply (cases rule:wt_terms.cases) using abs.prems by blast
  from 1(2) abs(1) have 2: "((x,π)#Γ) ⊢ M : τ" by (rule wt_terms_cases_2, simp)
  with abs(3) have 3: "((x,π)#Γ) ⊢ M' : τ" by simp
  show ?case
    apply (subst 1(1))
    apply (rule wt_terms.abs)
    using abs 2 3 by simp+
case (beta x N M) 
  from beta(3) obtain τ where 1: "Γ ⊢ Lam [x]. M : τ → σ" "Γ ⊢ N : τ" 
    apply (cases rule:wt_terms.cases) by simp
  from 1(1) beta(1) have 2: "((x,τ)#Γ) ⊢ M : σ" by (rule wt_terms_cases_2, simp)
  show ?case
    apply (rule subst_typ)
    using 2 1(2) by simp+
case (Y τ M)
  from Y obtain π where 1: "Γ ⊢ (Y τ) : π → σ" "Γ ⊢ M : π" 
    apply (cases rule:wt_terms.cases) by simp
  have "Γ ⊢ (Y τ) : (τ → τ) → τ" apply (rule wt_terms.Y)
    using wt_terms_impl_wf_ctxt Y by simp
  with 1(1) have "π → σ = (τ → τ) → τ" apply (cases rule:wt_terms.cases) by simp
  then have 2: "π = τ → τ" "σ = τ" by simp+
  show ?case
    apply (subst 2)
    apply (rule
    apply (rule
    apply (rule wt_terms.Y)
    using wt_terms_impl_wf_ctxt Y apply simp
    using 1(2) 2(1) by simp+

lemma beta_Y_c_typ:
  assumes "Γ ⊢ M : σ"
  and "beta_Y* M M'"
  shows "Γ ⊢ M' : σ"
using assms(2,1)
apply (induct M M' arbitrary: σ rule: close.induct)
using beta_Y_typ by auto

subsection {* Church Rosser Theorem *}

lemma church_rosser_typ:
  assumes "Γ ⊢ a : σ"
      and "beta_Y* a b"
      and "beta_Y* a c"
    shows "∃d. beta_Y* b d ∧ beta_Y* c d ∧ Γ ⊢ d : σ"
proof -
  from assms have "pbeta* a b" "pbeta* a c" using M1 base by simp+
  then obtain d where "pbeta* b d" "pbeta* c d" by (metis DP_R_R_imp_DP_Rc_Rc_pbeta DP_def Lem2_5_2) 
  thus ?thesis using M2 beta_Y_c_typ assms by blast