This page lists some common errors that may occur during the compilation stage.

ERROR : Generating calculus .scala file failed!

This error is most probably caused by an error in the <calculus_name>_Core.thy Isabelle file. Try re-running the script in verbose mode (using -v flag) and check for the specific error output generated by Isabelle. To get rid of most errors without modifying the Isabelle files, try the --dirty !!!! NOT IMPLEMENTED !!!! flag when building.

ERROR : Missing the core calculus file! Try re-building with -f to rebuild the calculus

This error is similar to the one above. The core calculus theory file is probably missing. rebuild with -f flag.

ERROR : Generating calculus rules .scala file failed!

This error is most probably caused by an error in the <calculus_name>.thy Isabelle file. Try re-running the script in verbose mode (using -v flag) and check for the specific error output generated by Isabelle. To get rid of most errors without modifying the Isabelle files, try the --dirty !!!! NOT IMPLEMENTED !!!! flag when building.

ERROR : Compiling core calculus classes failed!

There was an error in compiling the generated Scala files. Re-run with -v to get a detailed output form the Scala compiler.

[Errno 2] No such file or directory

If this error occurs right after the line Compiling Isabelle source files in ..., try running isabelle in a terminal window. If you get an error, please add isabelle to your bash PATH variable.